Home Dementia Respite
Signposted Service

The Home Dementia Respite Provision has been developed as it was evident family carers are finding it difficult accessing respite and having the opportunity to have some down time and re-charge. 

The Evening, Weekend and Overnight Respite signposted service now complements our existing provision to enable carers to be able to pursue hobbies and interests that may be more difficult to access due to the needs of their family member with dementia. This provision will be person centred and bespoke so that the carer can be assured their family member with dementia is well supported, cared for and will also have an enjoyable time. 
Before any evening, weekend or overnight respite is agreed a thorough Assessment of Need is undertaken so that an in-depth Care Support Plan can be devised and agreed.
During this assessment if it is agreed the person with dementia would prefer to stay in their own home during the day and evening then a variety of games and equipment will be provided to offer engagement and stimulation.
If, however after the assessment it is agreed the person with dementia would benefit from a trip out e.g., a garden centre visit, local park etc...this too can be accommodated. 
Home Dementia Respite is available across Cambridgeshire.
